The Last Leaf




In "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry, two young artists, Sue and Johnsy, share a flat. Johnsy falls seriously ill with pneumonia and believes she will die when the last leaf falls from an ivy creeper outside her window. Despite Sue's efforts to distract her, Johnsy remains fixated on the falling leaves. Sue enlists a neighbor, Behrman, to model for her painting, hoping to raise money for their expenses. In a surprising twist, Behrman sacrifices himself by braving a storm to paint the last leaf on the creeper. The leaf's persistence gives Johnsy newfound hope, and she ultimately recovers. However, Behrman succumbs to pneumonia. His masterpiece, the painted leaf, becomes a symbol of selfless sacrifice and inspiration for Johnsy.

9.7. Comprehension

  1. Who are the two main characters in the story?

    • Sue and Johnsy.

  2. What illness does Johnsy suffer from?

    • Pneumonia.

  3. In which season does the story take place?

    • Autumn.

  4. Where is the flat located?

    • On the third storey of an old house.

  5. What is Johnsy's fixation regarding the ivy creeper?

    • She believes she will die when the last leaf falls.

  6. How does Sue try to distract Johnsy from her illness?

    • By talking about clothes, fashions, and painting.

  7. What does Johnsy do while lying in bed?

    • She counts the falling leaves.

  8. What does Sue bring to Johnsy's room to paint?

    • A drawing-board.

  9. Who does Sue ask to be her model for the painting?

    • Behrman.

  10. What is Behrman's dream?

    • To paint a masterpiece.

  11. How old is Behrman?

    • Sixty years old.

  12. Why does Sue pour out her worries to Behrman?

    • To seek help for Johnsy's condition.

  13. What happens to Behrman in the end?

    • He dies of pneumonia.

  14. What is revealed about Behrman's artistic act during the storm?

    • He painted the last leaf on the ivy creeper.

  15. Why does Johnsy have newfound hope?

    • The last leaf painted by Behrman persists against the storm.

  16. What is the symbolism of the last leaf in the story?

    • It represents selfless sacrifice and inspiration.

  17. Who realizes the significance of Behrman's act?

    • Sue.

  18. What does Sue give Johnsy to eat after her realization?

    • Lots of hot soup.

  19. Who else falls ill in the story?

    • Behrman.

  20. What does the doctor say about Johnsy's recovery?

    • He is confident she will recover, but there is no hope for Behrman.


  1. What is the primary conflict in the story?

    • a. Sue's painting skills

    • b. Johnsy's fixation on the last leaf

    • c. Behrman's illness

    • d. Seasonal changes

  2. Why does Johnsy believe she will die when the last leaf falls?

    • a. Superstition

    • b. Doctor's prediction

    • c. Personal choice

    • d. Ivy creeper symbolism

  3. What role does Behrman play in the story?

    • a. Doctor

    • b. Janitor

    • c. Model for painting

    • d. Chef

  4. How does Sue try to distract Johnsy from her illness?

    • a. Reading books

    • b. Talking about fashion

    • c. Playing music

    • d. Cooking meals

  5. What does the last leaf symbolize in the story?

    • a. Death

    • b. Life and hope

    • c. Seasonal change

    • d. Behrman's artwork

  6. What prompts Johnsy's realization about her attitude?

    • a. Sue's scolding

    • b. Doctor's advice

    • c. The last leaf's persistence

    • d. Behrman's painting

  7. Why does Sue call Behrman's painting a masterpiece?

    • a. It's a famous artwork

    • b. It's the only leaf left

    • c. It's valuable

    • d. It's realistic

  8. What impact does Behrman's sacrifice have on Johnsy?

    • a. She becomes more depressed

    • b. She gains newfound hope

    • c. She loses interest in art

    • d. She becomes angry at Behrman

  9. What does the last leaf's resistance to the storm suggest?

    • a. Nature's unpredictability

    • b. Symbolic defiance

    • c. Sue's influence

    • d. Johnsy's imagination

  10. Why does the doctor have hope for Johnsy but not for Behrman?

    • a. Johnsy is younger

    • b. Johnsy has stronger willpower

    • c. Behrman's age

    • d. Behrman didn't seek medical help early

1. The answers to the above 1. Johnsy's fixation on the last leaf 2. d. Ivy creeper symbolism 3. c. Model for painting 4. b. Talking about fashion 5. b. Life and hope 6. c. The last leaf's persistence 7. b. It's the only leaf left 8. b. She gains newfound hope 9. b. Symbolic defiance 10. c. Behrman's age


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