
Showing posts from March, 2024

Rearrange Each Set of Words to Form Meaningful sentences: 4

  Simple Present Tense: Question: speak France language in what They do? Present Continuous Tense: Question: music listening to right now you Are? Simple Past Tense: Question: discovered America Who? Past Continuous Tense: Question: came cooking what in I were you When? Present Perfect Tense: Question: ever climbed a mountain Have you? Past Perfect Tense: Question: arrived before dinner eaten already had She I? (We can rearrange the information you provided previously for this example.) Future Simple Tense: Question: leave the bus When will? Future Perfect Tense: Question: By tomorrow evening, painted the house will have they? show answer 1. Simple Present Tense:Question: What do they speak in France? 2. Present Continuous Tense:Question: What music are you listening to right now? 3. Simple Past Tense: Question: Who discovered America?  4. Past Continuous Tense: Question: What were you cooking when I came? 5. Present Perfect Tense: Question: Have you ever climbed a mountain?

Rearrange Each Set of Words to Form Meaningful sentences 3

  Simple Present Tense: Question: close What time the shop usually? does Present Continuous Tense: Question: practicing She for the competition right now. is Simple Past Tense: Question: a night We watched.last movie Past Continuous Tense: Question: I what you asked when my phone rang. was doing Present Perfect Tense: Question: traveled ever you abroad Have? Past Perfect Tense: Question: arrived The train already left by the time we reached the station. had Future Simple Tense: Question: rain tomorrow. It will Future Perfect Tense: Question: the meeting started By the time you get here, they will have show answer 1. Answer: What time does the shop usually close? 2. Answer: She is practicing for the competition right now. 3. Answer: We watched a movie last night.   4. Answer: I was doing what you asked when my phone rang.  5. Answer: Have you ever traveled abroad? 6. Answer: The train had already left by the time we reached the station. 7. Answer: It will rain tomorrow.  8. Ans

Rearrange Each Set of Words to Form Meaningful sentences. 2

  Simple Present Tense: Question: breakfast eat What she usually? does for  Present Continuous Tense: Question: movie We a right now watching are. Simple Past Tense: Question: library weekend the went to She last. Past Continuous Tense: Question: raining It started while we picnic were having a. Present Perfect Tense: Question: seen you ever this movie Have? Past Perfect Tense: Question: finished dinner We already had by the time they arrived. Future Simple Tense: Question: party go to a We tomorrow night will. Future Perfect Tense: Question: the project completed By next month, they will have. show answer 1. Answer: What does she usually eat for breakfast? 2. Answer: We are watching a movie right now. 3. Answer: She went to the library last weekend. 4. Answer: It started raining while we were having a picnic. 5. Answer: Have you ever seen this movie? 6. Answer: We had already finished dinner by the time they arrived. 7. Answer: We will go to a party tomorrow night. 8. Answer:

Rearrange Each Set of Words to Form Meaningful Sentences.

Rearrange Each Set of Words to Form Meaningful Sentences. Simple Present Tense: Question: TV watches evening. every He Present Continuous Tense: Question: baking cake right. is now a She Simple Past Tense: Question: They yesterday football played. Past Continuous Tense: Question: We went out. the lights were studying when Present Perfect Tense: Question: homework. finished have my  I Past Perfect Tense: Question: left already when  I She arrived. had Future Simple Tense: Question: next grandparents weekend. will their visit They Future Perfect Tense: Question: By this next he have will graduated. time year, show answer 1. Answer: He watches TV every evening. 2. Answer: She is baking a cake right now. 3. Answer: They played football yesterday. 4. Answer: We were studying when the lights went out. 5. Answer: I have finished my homework. 6. Answer: She had already left when I arrived. 7. Answer: They will visit their grandparents next weekend. 8. Answer: By this time next year,

Simple Grammar Test 23, CONJUNCTIONS

  Combining Sentence with Conjunctions Instructions: Combine the following sentences using the most appropriate conjunction. Choose the answer that creates a grammatically correct and logical sentence. Answers will be provided at the end. The movie was interesting. We fell asleep.  although,  because,  unless) It rained all day. We went for a walk in the park.  However,  since,  despite She studied hard. She didn't get a good grade. (  yet,  so,  but.  You can come to the party. You can stay home and watch a movie.  either/or,  neither/nor,  both/and I finished my work early. I decided to help my brother with his homework. ( since,  before,  after She ran out of milk. She went to the store.   so,  because,  unless) He arrived late for the meeting. He apologized.  because,  on arriving,  however We can go to the beach tomorrow. It might rain.  unless,  if,  although The cookies were delicious. They were all gone quickly.  because,  as a result,  however I'm learning French. I w

Simple Grammar Test: 22

  Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question. The cat chased the ball ______ the house.  (a) into (b) around (c) through (d) besides She speaks English ______ fluently.  (a) more (b) most (c) very (d) much We arrived ______ the meeting had already started.  (a) after (b) since (c) until (d) before John is taller ______ Mary.  (a) than (b) then (c) that (d) these If I ______ you, I would take that job offer.  (a) were (b) was (c) be (d) am The ______ on the table is beautiful.  (a) flower (b) flowers (c) flowered (d) flowering They ______ their homework by now.  (a) should have finished (b) must have finished (c) could have finished (d) will have finished I cannot believe ______ you said that!  (a) which (b) what (c) that (d) whose The children ______ playing outside when it started to rain.  (a) was (b) were (c) been (d) being The delicious cookies ______ disappeared quickly.  (a) has (b) have (c) had (d) having There are ______ apples on the counter.  (a) a few (b) little