Rearrange Each Set of Words to Form Meaningful sentences. 2


Simple Present Tense:

  1. Question: breakfast eat What she usually? does for 

Present Continuous Tense:

  1. Question: movie We a right now watching are.

Simple Past Tense:

  1. Question: library weekend the went to She last.

Past Continuous Tense:

  • Question: raining It started while we picnic were having a.

Present Perfect Tense:

  • Question: seen you ever this movie Have?

Past Perfect Tense:

  • Question: finished dinner We already had by the time they arrived.

Future Simple Tense:

  • Question: party go to a We tomorrow night will.

Future Perfect Tense:

  • Question: the project completed By next month, they will have.

1. Answer: What does she usually eat for breakfast? 2. Answer: We are watching a movie right now. 3. Answer: She went to the library last weekend. 4. Answer: It started raining while we were having a picnic. 5. Answer: Have you ever seen this movie? 6. Answer: We had already finished dinner by the time they arrived. 7. Answer: We will go to a party tomorrow night. 8. Answer: By next month, they will have completed the project.


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