Simple Grammar Test 13


  1. Choose the correct tense: "They ________ to the beach last weekend."

  • a) go

  • b) went

  • c) goes

  • d) going

  1. Which sentence uses the correct passive voice?

  • a) The car is driven by Susan.

  • b) Susan drives the car.

  • c) Susan is driving the car.

  • d) The car drives Susan.

  1. What is the reported speech of: "She said, 'I will be there on time.'"

  • a) She says that she will be there on time.

  • b) She said that she will be there on time.

  • c) She says that she would be there on time.

  • d) She said that she would be there on time.

  1. Which is a correct form of the zero conditional (if clause)?

  • a) If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

  • b) If it rains, we will stay indoors.

  • c) If I see him, I will tell him.

  • d) If water boils, it turns into steam.

  1. "She is the ________ beautiful girl in the room."

  • a) most

  • b) more

  • c) mostest

  • d) beautifuler

  1. Choose the correct synthesis: "He enjoys reading books. He often visits the library."

  • a) He enjoys reading books, so he often visits the library.

  • b) He enjoys reading books, however, he often visits the library.

  • c) He enjoys reading books, yet he often visits the library.

  • d) He enjoys reading books, and he often visits the library.

  1. "This is the ________ day of my life."

  • a) good

  • b) better

  • c) best

  • d) gooder

  1. "She lives ________ the third floor."

  • a) in

  • b) at

  • c) on

  • d) by

  1. Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence: "She was tired, ________ she continued working."

  • a) but

  • b) so

  • c) and

  • d) or

  1. What is a synonym for "excited" and an antonym for "angry"?

  • a) Happy, calm

  • b) Happy, sad

  • c) Sad, calm

  • d) Sad, happy

  1. Change the affirmative sentence "He always tells the truth" to a negative without changing its meaning.

  • a) He tells the truth always.
  • b) He doesn't always tell the untruth.
  • c) He tells the truth never.
  • d) He always tells lies.

  1. Combine the sentences: "She plays the piano. She sings beautifully."

  • a) She plays the piano beautifully and sings.

  • b) She plays the piano beautifully but sings.

  • c) She plays the piano and sings beautifully.

  • d) She plays the piano beautifully so sings.

  1. "It was ________ interesting movie."

  • a) an

  • b) a

  • c) the

  • d) -

  1. "She walked ________ the bridge."

  • a) at

  • b) on

  • c) in

  • d) across

  1. What is the interjection in the sentence: "Wow! That's amazing!"

  • a) Amazing

  • b) That's

  • c) Wow

  • d) That's amazing

1. b) went 2. a) The car is driven by Susan. 3. d) She said that she would be there on time. 4. d) If water boils, it turns into steam. 5. a) most 6. a) He enjoys reading books, so he often visits the library. 7. c) best 8. c) on 9. a) but 10. a) Happy, calm 11. b) He doesn't always tell the untruth. 12. c) She plays the piano and sings beautifully. 13. b) a 14. b) on 15. c) Wow


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