1. Choose the correct tense: "He ________ to Paris last month."

  • a) go

  • b) went

  • c) goes

  • d) going

  1. Which sentence uses the correct passive voice?

  • a) The cake was baked by Sarah.

  • b) Sarah bakes the cake.

  • c) The cake baked Sarah.

  • d) Sarah is baking the cake.

  1. What is the reported speech of: "She said, 'I have finished my homework.'"

  • a) She says that she had finished her homework.

  • b) She says that she has finished her homework.

  • c) She said that she has finished her homework.

  • d) She said that she had finished her homework.

  1. Which is a correct form of the first conditional (if clause)?

  • a) If it rains tomorrow, we will go for a walk.

  • b) If it will rain tomorrow, we will go for a walk.

  • c) If it rain tomorrow, we will go for a walk.

  • d) If it rained tomorrow, we will go for a walk.

  1. "She is the ________ student in the class."

  • a) more intelligent

  • b) most intelligent

  • c) intelligenter

  • d) intelligentest

  1. Choose the correct synthesis: "She enjoys painting. She often visits art galleries."

  • a) She enjoys painting, yet she often visits art galleries.

  • b) She enjoys painting, however, she often visits art galleries.

  • c) She enjoys painting, and she often visits art galleries.

  • d) She enjoys painting, so she often visits art galleries.

  1. "This is the  ________ cake I've ever tasted."

  • a) good

  • b) better

  • c) best

  • d) gooder

  1. "She lives ________ the river."

  • a) in

  • b) at

  • c) on

  • d) by

  1. Choose the correct conjunction to complete the sentence: "She wanted to go out, ________ it was raining."

  • a) but

  • b) so

  • c) and

  • d) or

  1. What is a synonym for "happy" and an antonym for "sad"?

  • a) Joyful, happy

  • b) Joyful, upset

  • c) Joyful, calm

  • d) Joyful, sad

  1. Change the affirmative sentence "He usually arrives early" to a negative without changing its meaning.

  • a) He usually arrives late.

  • b) He doesn't usually arrive late.

  • c) He always arrives late.

  • d) He arrives late usually.

  1. Combine the sentences: "He speaks English. He speaks French."

  • a) He speaks English, and he speaks French.

  • b) He speaks English, but he speaks French.

  • c) He speaks English as well as he speaks French.

  • d) He speaks English so he speaks French.

  1. "It was ________ exciting movie."

  • a) an

  • b) a

  • c) the

  • d) -

  1. "She walked ________ the street."

  • a) at

  • b) on

  • c) in

  • d) through

  1. What is the interjection in the sentence: "Oops! I dropped my phone!"

  • a) Oops

  • b) I dropped

  • c) My phone

  • d) Oops I dropped my phone

  1. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives?

  • a) She wore a red beautiful dress.

  • b) She wore a beautiful red dress.

  • c) She wore a beautiful dress red.

  • d) She wore a dress beautiful red.

  1. What type of clause is "that you bought yesterday" in the sentence: "The book that you bought yesterday is on the table"?

  • a) Noun clause

  • b) Adjective clause

  • c) Adverb clause

  • d) Prepositional clause

  1. Choose the correct preposition: "He is afraid ________ spiders."

  • a) from

  • b) about

  • c) of

  • d) at

  1. "Neither the cat nor the dog ________ to blame."

  • a) is

  • b) are

  • c) were

  • d) has

  1. Which sentence uses the correct phrasal verb?

  • a) She looked up the meaning of the word in the dictionary.

  • b) She looked for the meaning of the word in the dictionary.

  • c) She looked into the meaning of the word in the dictionary.

  • d) She looked on the meaning of the word in the dictionary.

1. b) went 2. a) The cake was baked by Sarah. 3. d) She said that she had finished her homework. 4. a) If it rains tomorrow, we will go for a walk. 5. b) most intelligent 6. c) She enjoys painting, and she often visits art galleries. 7. c) best 8. d) by 9. a) but 10. a) Joyful, happy 11. b) He doesn't usually arrive late. 12. a) He speaks English, and he speaks French. 13. b) a 14. d) through 15. a) Oops 16. b) She wore a beautiful red dress. 17. b) Adjective clause 18. c) of 19. a) is 20. a) She looked up the meaning of the word in the dictionary


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