Simple Grammar Test: 21


Simple Grammar Test: 21

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question. Answers will be provided at the end.

1. Tenses: Identify the correct present perfect tense of the verb "to travel" that describes a completed action with ongoing effects.

  • a) travels

  • b) traveled

  • c) has traveled

  • d) will travel

2. Voice: The sentence "The prize was won by him" is in which voice?

  • a) Active voice

  • b) Passive voice

  • c) Direct voice

  • d) Indirect voice

3. Reported Speech: If Michael says, "I am learning French," how would it be reported?

  • a) Michael says he is learning French.  

  • b) Michael said he was learning French.

  • c) Michael said he will learn French.

  • d) Michael said he learned French.

4. If Clauses:  Complete the sentence: "If I _ more time, I would help you."

  • a) had

  • b) have had

  • c) will have

  • d) would have

5. Degrees of Comparison:  "This car is the _ comfortable one I've ever driven."

  • a) more

  • b) most

  • c) very

  • d) much

6. Synthesis: Combine the sentences: "The meeting was cancelled. We went home early." (Use a coordinating conjunction)

  • a) The meeting was cancelled, so we went home early.

  • b) Because the meeting was cancelled, we went home early.

  • c) We went home early although the meeting was cancelled.

  • d) When the meeting was cancelled, we went home early.

7. Parts of Speech: Identify the part of speech for the word "brightly" in the sentence "The sun shone brightly."

  • a) Noun

  • b) Verb

  • c) Adjective

  • d) Adverb

8. Noun Clauses:  Identify the noun clause in the sentence: "Tell me what you want."

  • a) Tell me

  • b) what you want

  • c) you want

  • d) what

9. Adjective Clauses: Identify the adjective clause in the sentence: "The student, who studied hard, got an A."

  • a) The student

  • b) who studied hard

  • c) got an A

  • d) A

10. Adverb Clauses: Identify the adverb clause in the sentence: "We left after the movie had ended."

a) We left

b) after the movie had ended

c) the movie ended

d) after

11. Word Order:  The correct way to ask a question with "who" is:

  • a) Who are you like?

  • b) Are who you like?

  • c) Like you who are?

  • d) You are who like?

12. Order of Adjectives: The typical order of opinion adjectives describing a noun is:

a) size, color, origin, material

b) material, origin, color, size

c) emotional response, size, color, origin

d) origin, material, size, color

13. Affirmative to Negative: Change the sentence "They eat pizza every Friday" to negative without changing the meaning.

  • a) They don't eat pizza every Friday.

  • b) They never eat pizza on Fridays.

  • c) They hardly eat pizza on Fridays.

  • d) They eat pizza sometimes on Fridays.

14. Combining Sentences: Combine the sentences: "The food was delicious. We ate everything." (Use a participial phrase)

  • a) Having delicious food, we ate everything.

  • b) We ate everything, the food being delicious.

  • c) Because the food was delicious, we ate everything.

  • d) The food was delicious, having eaten everything.

15. Articles: Choose the correct article (a, an, the) to complete the sentence: "Paris is _ city of love."

  • a) a

  • b) an

  • c) the

16. Prepositions: Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "She put the flowers _ the vase."

  • a) on

  • b) in

  • c) by

  • d) with

17. Conjunctions: Choose the conjunction that shows cause and effect: "It rained all day, _ the picnic was cancelled."

  • a) because

  • b) but

  • c) and

  • d) so

18. Interjections: Which word is most likely an interjection?

  • a) slowly 

  • b) happy 

  • c) ouch! 

  • d) because 

19. Phrasal Verbs: Which sentence uses a phrasal verb?

  • a) She looked at the painting.

  • b) He ran to the store.

  • c) They called me up. 

  • d) We wrote a letter.

20. Words Often Confused: Choose the answer closest in meaning to "affect":

  • a) defect (verb - to malfunction)

  • b) effect (noun - a result)

  • c) impact (verb - to have a strong influence)

  • d) infect (verb - to spread a disease)

1. (c) has traveled 2. (b) Passive voice 3. (a) Michael says he is learning French.   4. (a) had 5. (b) most 6. (a) The meeting was cancelled, so we went home early. 7. (d) Adverb 8. (b) what you want 9. (b) who studied hard 10. (b) after the movie had ended 11. (a) Who are you like? 12. (c) emotional response, size, color, origin 13. (a) They don't eat pizza every Friday. 14. (a) Having delicious food, we ate everything. 15. (c) the 16. (b) in 17. (d) so 18. (c) ouch! 19. (c) They called me up.(phrasal verb - to call someone on the phone) 20. (c) impact


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