Simple Grammar Test 8


  1. Quantifiers:

    1. Question: Choose the correct quantifier for the blank: "There are _______ apples in the basket."

      1. a) much

      2. b) some

      3. c) few

      4. d) many

  2. Word Order:

    1. Question: Identify the correct word order for the sentence: "She usually goes to the gym."

      1. a) Usually she goes to the gym.

      2. b) Goes she usually to the gym.

      3. c) She goes usually to the gym.

      4. d) She usually goes to the gym.

  3. Ellipsis:

    1. Question: Choose the correct sentence with ellipsis.

      1. a) He enjoys reading books, and she does too.

      2. b) He enjoys reading books, and she does.

      3. c) He enjoys reading books, and she too.

      4. d) He enjoys reading books, and does she.

  4. Interjections:

    1. Question: Identify the interjection in the sentence: "Wow! That's amazing!"

      1. a) Wow

      2. b) That's

      3. c) amazing

      4. d) the

  5. Phrasal Verbs:

    1. Question: Choose the correct phrasal verb for this sentence: "Please put ______ your coat, it's cold outside."

      1. a) in

      2. b) on

      3. c) out

      4. d) off

  6. Degrees of Comparison:

    1. Question: Identify the correct form of comparison for the adjective "intelligent."

      1. a) intelligenter

      2. b) more intelligent

      3. c) intelligentest

      4. d) intelligenter

  7. Conditional Sentences:

    1. Question: Choose the correct form of the first conditional for the sentence: "If it rains tomorrow, I ______ (take) an umbrella."

      1. a) take

      2. b) will take

      3. c) took

      4. d) would take

  8. Gerunds and Infinitives:

    1. Question: Choose the correct form of the verb in the blank: "He enjoys _______ (play) soccer in his free time."

      1. a) play

      2. b) to play

      3. c) playing

      4. d) plays

  9. Parallelism:

    1. Question: Identify the sentence with correct parallel structure.

      1. a) She likes cooking, swimming, and to read.

      2. b) She likes cooking, to swim, and reading.

      3. c) She likes to cook, swim, and read.

      4. d) She likes to cook, swimming, and to read.

  10. Noun Clauses:

    1. Question: Choose the sentence with a correct noun clause.

      1. a) What he said is important.

      2. b) What he said important.

      3. c) He said what is important.

      4. d) What said he is important.

1. Answer: d) many 2. Answer: d) She usually goes to the gym. 3. Answer: a) He enjoys reading books, and she does too. 4. Answer: a) Wow 5. Answer: b) on 6. Answer: b) more intelligent 7. Answer: b) will take 8. Answer: c) playing 9. Answer: c) She likes to cook, swim, and read. 10. Answer: a) What he said is iimportan


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