Simple Grammar Test 9


  1. Tenses:

Which sentence is in the present perfect tense?

  • a) She will go to the store.

  • b) They have eaten dinner.

  • c) He plays football every Sunday.

  • d) We are watching a movie.


  1. In which sentence is the passive voice used?

  • a) The cat chased the mouse.

  • b) The cake was baked by my mom.

  • c) He sings beautifully.

  • d) They are playing in the garden.

  1. Reported speech:

Which option correctly reports the direct speech "She said, 'I will come tomorrow'"?

  • a) She said she will come tomorrow.

  • b) She said she would come tomorrow.

  • c) She said she comes tomorrow.d) She said she coming tomorrow.

  1. Synthesis:

Combine the sentences:

"She finished her work. Then she went home."

  • a) She finished her work and went home.

  • b) She finished her work so went home.

  • c) Finishing her work, she went home.

  • d) Finishing her work, then she went home.

  1. Perfect participle:

Which sentence contains the perfect participle?

  • a) Having finished his homework, he went to bed.

  • b) She is singing in the choir.

  • c) They were watching a movie last night.

  • d) I will be eating dinner soon.

  1. Present participle:

Identify the sentence with the present participle:

  • a) She has cooked dinner for us.

  • b) They were playing outside.

  • c) Walking slowly, he enjoyed the scenery.

  • d) We will go to the beach tomorrow.

  1. Past participle:

Which sentence contains the past participle?

  • a) She will read the book.

  • b) He has written a letter.

  • c) They are swimming in the pool.

  • d) We eat breakfast every morning.

  1. To infinitive:

Which option correctly uses the "to infinitive"?

  • a) He enjoys to swim in the ocean.

  • b) She decided to go for a walk.

  • c) They will to visit their grandparents.

  • d) We want to to travel next summer.

  1. If clauses (0, 1, 2, 3):

Which sentence is a type 2 conditional?

  • a) If I see him, I will tell him.

  • b) If I saw him, I would tell him.

  • c) If I see him, I would tell him.

  • d) If I saw him, I will tell him.

  1. Noun clauses:

Identify the sentence with a noun clause:

  • a) He knows the answer.

  • b) She told me what to do.

  • c) They left early.

  • d) We walked to the park


  1. Adjective clauses:

Which sentence includes an adjective clause?

  • a) The dog barked loudly.

  • b) She bought a dress.

  • c) The car, which was red, stopped suddenly.

  • d) They ran quickly.

  1. Adverbial clauses:

Identify the sentence with an adverbial clause:

  • a) She dances gracefully.

  • b) He opened the door.

  • c) After she had finished her homework, she went to bed.

  • d) They painted the house.

  1. Degrees of comparison:

Which sentence uses the superlative degree?

  • a) She is taller than her sister.

  • b) This is the tallest building in town.

  • c) He runs faster than anyone else.

  • d) They are as smart as their classmates.

  1. Articles:

Choose the sentence with correct article usage:

  • a) He bought a apple.

  • b) She has an umbrella.

  • c) They live in an house.

  • d) We saw cat.

  1. Prepositions:

Which sentence uses the correct preposition?

  • a) He is waiting on the bus stop.

  • b) She is interested with photography.

  • c) They went to the cinema for a movie.

  • d) We walked along the beach.

  1. Synonym:

Choose the synonym for "happy":

  • a) Sad

  • b) Joyful

  • c) Angry

  • d) Tired

  1. Antonym:

Choose the antonym for "cold":

a) Hot

b) Warm

c) Freezing

d) Chilly

  1. Parts of speech:

Identify the noun in the sentence: "The cat jumped over the fence."

  • a) cat

  • b) jumped

  • c) over

  • d) fence

  1. Question tag:

Which sentence has the correct question tag?

  • a) You like ice cream, didn't you?

  • b) She is coming with us, isn't she?

  • c) They can swim, can they?

  • d) He doesn't know the answer, did he?

  1. Relative clauses:

Identify the sentence with a relative clause:

  • a) He visited the place.

  • b) She met the man.

  • c) The book that I lent you is on the table.

  • d) We went shopping.

  1. Conjunctions:

Choose the correct conjunction to join the sentences: "She likes to swim. He prefers to hike."

  • a) or

  • b) but

  • c) and

  • d) so

  1. Error detection:

Find the error in the sentence: "She are going to the party tonight."

  • a) She

  • b) are

  • c) going

  • d) tonight

  1. Subjunctive:

Which sentence correctly uses the subjunctive mood?

a) If I was you, I would study harder.

b) It's time she leave for work.

c) He wish he has more money.

d) They will go if it was sunny.

  1.  Sarah __________ (finish) her homework before she __________ (go) to bed.

  • a) finished / went

  • b) had finished / went

  • c) finished / had gone

  • d) had finished / had gone

  1.  While I __________ (watch) TV, the phone __________ (ring) incessantly.

  • a) watched / rang

  • b) was watching / rang

  • c) was watching / had rung

  • d) watched / had rung

Previous Tests. 👇

Simple Grammar Test: 9 Key 👇

1. Answer: b) They have eaten dinner. 2. Answer: b) The cake was baked by my mom. 3. Answer: b) She said she would come tomorrow. 4. Answer: a) She finished her work and went home. 5. Answer: a) Having finished his homework, he went to bed. 6. Answer: c) Walking slowly, he enjoyed the scenery. 7. Answer: b) He has written a letter. 8. Answer: b) She decided to go for a walk. 9. Answer: b) If I saw him, I would tell him. 10. Answer: b) She told me what to do. 11. Answer: c) The car, which was red, stopped suddenly. 12. Answer: c) After she finished her homework, she went to bed. 13. Answer: b) This is the tallest building in town. 14. Answer: d) We saw the cat. 15. Answer: d) We walked along the beach. 16. Answer: b) Joyful 17. Answer: a) Hot 18. Answer: a) cat 19. Answer: b) She is coming with us, isn't she? 20. Answer: c) The book that I lent you is on the table. 21. Answer: c) and 22. Answer: b) are 23. Answer: b) It's time she leave for work. 24. Answer: b) had finished / went. .  25. Answer: b) was watching / rang.


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