Simple Grammar Test: 24. Participles.


Choose the Correct Participle. 

  1. She was _______ by the beautiful sunset.

  • a) mesmerizing

  • b) mesmerized

  • c) mesmerize

  • d) mesmerizes

  1. _______ in the rain, he felt refreshed.

  • a) Walking

  • b) Walk

  • c) Walked

  • d) Walks

  1. The _______ child ran into the room.

  • a) Crying

  • b) Cry

  • c) Cried

  • d) Cries

  1. _______ by the news, she couldn't speak.

  • a) Shock

  • b) Shocked

  • c) Shocking

  • d) Shocks

  1. The _______ vase lay shattered on the floor.

  • a) Break

  • b) Breaking

  • c) Broke

  • d) Broken

  1. _______ the whole day, he was exhausted.

  • a) Working

  • b) Worked

  • c) Work

  • d) Works

  1. The _______ bird chirped loudly.

  • a) Sing

  • b) Singing

  • c) Sang

  • d) Sung

  1. _______ by the long journey, they decided to rest.

  • a) Tired

  • b) Tiring

  • c) Tire

  • d) Tires

  1. The _______ child clung to her mother.

  • a) Terrified

  • b) Terrifying

  • c) Terrify

  • d) Terrifies

  1. _______ in the garden, the flowers bloomed beautifully.

  • a) Plant

  • b) Planting

  • c) Planted

  • d) Plants

  1. _______ by the smell, he followed his nose.

  • a) Attract

  • b) Attracted

  • c) Attracting

  • d) Attracts

  1. The _______ book lay open on the table.

  • a) Read

  • b) Reading

  • c) Reads

  • d) Reads

  1. _______ by the loud noise, the dog barked.

  • a) Startle

  • b) Startled

  • c) Startling

  • d) Startles

  1. _______ by the warm sunshine, she smiled.

  • a) Warm

  • b) Warming

  • c) Warms

  • d) Warmed

  1. _______ for hours, they finally reached their destination.

  • a) Driving

  • b) Drive

  • c) Drove

  • d) Driven

1. b) mesmerized 2. a) Walking 3. a) Crying 4. b) Shocked 5. d) Broken 6. a) Working 7. b) Singing 8. b) Tiring 9. a) Terrified 10. b) Planting 11. b) Attracted 12. a) Read 13. b) Startled 14. b) Warming 15. a) Driving


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