
Showing posts from May, 2024

Build Your Vocabulary Day 16

  Build Your Vocabulary 010624 1) His _**peculiar**_ behavior puzzled everyone. A. His normal behavior puzzled everyone. B. His usual behavior puzzled everyone. C. His strange behavior puzzled everyone. D. His ordinary behavior puzzled everyone. Correct Answer: C. His strange behavior puzzled everyone. 2) The _**plentiful**_ supply of food lasted for weeks. A. The scarce supply of food lasted for weeks. B. The limited supply of food lasted for weeks. C. The abundant supply of food lasted for weeks. D. The meager supply of food lasted for weeks.

Build Your Vocabulary Day 15

Build Your Vocabulary 310524 1) The _**intricate**_ design of the building was admired by everyone. A. The simple design of the building was admired by everyone. B. The basic design of the building was admired by everyone. C. The complex design of the building was admired by everyone. D. The plain design of the building was admired by everyone. Correct Answer: C. The complex design of the building was admired by everyone. 2) His _**lamentable**_ actions led to severe consequences. A. His admirable actions led to severe consequences. B. His regrettable actions led to severe consequences. C. His praisew

Build Your Vocabulary Day 14

  Build Your Vocabulary: 300524 1) The team was _**elated**_ by their victory. A. The team was disappointed by their victory. B. The team was saddened by their victory. C. The team was thrilled by their victory. D. The team was indifferent by their victory. Correct Answer: C. The team was thrilled by their victory. 2) The movie had an _**engrossing**_ plot. A. The plot was boring. B. The plot was captivating. C. The plot was confusing. D. The plot was dull. Correct Answer: B. The plot was captivating.

Build Your Vocabulary Day 13

  Build Your Vocabulary 290524 1) The project was _**abandoned**_ halfway through. A. The project was completed halfway through. B. The project was started halfway through. C. The project was left halfway through. D. The project was expanded halfway through. Correct Answer: C. The project was left halfway through. 2) The meeting was _**adjourned**_ until next week. A. The meeting was extended until next week. B. The meeting was postponed until next week. C. The meeting was canceled until next week. D. The meeting was hurried until next week.

Build Your Vocabulary Day 12

  Students who consistently learn vocabulary gain a toolbox of words to express themselves clearly and understand complex ideas. This boosts their reading comprehension, writing skills, and overall communication, making them shine in school and beyond. Build Your Vocabulary: 280524 1) The committee's decision was _**unanimous**_. A. The decision was divided. B. The decision was undevided. C. The decision was controversial. D. The decision was uncertain. Correct Answer: B. The decision was undevided. 2) The artist's latest piece was truly _**innovative**_. A. The piece was truly conventional. B. The piece was truly ordi

Build Your Vocabulary Day 11

  A student with limited vocabulary may struggle significantly in education. They might find it difficult to understand textbooks, follow lectures, or comprehend exam questions, leading to lower grades. Writing assignments can also be challenging, as they may lack the words to express their thoughts clearly. This can result in frustration and a lack of confidence. Moreover, a limited vocabulary can hinder their ability to participate in class discussions and engage with peers, further affecting their overall learning experience. Hence practice the Vocabulary Quizzes untill you get 100℅ accuracy. Build Your Vocabulary: 270524 1) The child was _**reluctant**_ to leave the playground. A. The child was eager to leave the playground. B. The child was unwilling to leave the playground. C. The child was excited to leave the playground.

Build Your Vocabulary Day 10

Contextual vocabulary can help students by making it easier for them to understand and remember new words. When students encounter new vocabulary in the context of a sentence or story, they can use the surrounding words and ideas to figure out the meaning. This approach not only aids comprehension but also helps students retain the word by associating it with a real-life situation or example. For instance, if a student reads the sentence, "The sun was scorching, making it too hot to play outside," they can infer that "scorching" means very hot. This method makes learning new words more intuitive and effective. Build Your Vocabulary: 260524 1) The teacher’s patience seemed to be _**infinite**_. A. The teacher’s patience seemed to be very limited. B. The teacher’s patience seemed to be very vast. C. The teacher’s p

Build Your Vocabulary Day 9

  Regular practice of sentence vocabulary quizzes offers students numerous benefits. It enhances their understanding and retention of new words by providing context, which aids in comprehension and usage. This consistent exposure helps to build a richer vocabulary, improving both written and verbal communication skills. Additionally, it boosts confidence in language proficiency, making it easier for students to express their thoughts clearly and effectively. Overall, such practice fosters better academic performance and prepares students for more advanced language challenges. 1. The new policy will _**augment**_ the company's profits. A. The policy will reduce the company's profits. B. The policy will boost the company's profits. C. The policy will harm the company's profits. D. The

The Story of Leo and the Magic Paintbrush.

  The Story of Leo and the Magic Paintbrush.  Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain, there lived a young boy named Leo. Leo loved to paint. He spent hours every day with his brushes and colors, creating beautiful pictures of everything he saw around him. One day, while exploring the forest, Leo found an old, wooden paintbrush lying under a tree. It looked ordinary, but when he picked it up, he felt a strange tingle in his fingers. Excited, he ran back home to try it out. As soon as Leo dipped the brush into his paint, something magical happened. Whatever he painted with the brush came to life! Leo painted a bird, and it flew out of the canvas, chirping happily. He painted flowers, and they blossomed with a sweet fragrance. Overjoyed with his new discovery, Leo began to paint more and more. However, in his excitement, Leo didn't think carefully about what he was painting. One day, he painted a lion, thinking it would be amazing to have a re