A Letter to God Part: 2 Vocabulary 2


Dear 10th Students 

Read the Second Part of the Story 'A Letter to God' and practice the Vocabulary: 2 test. Vocabulary tests are for practice. They will help you understand the content so well. Practice till you get hundred percent accuracy. Be sincere in practicing. Timer tests with score cards will be released soon. Thanks for Reading. God Bless You. 


A Letter to God Part 2 Vocabulary 2

How to Play the Rest: On click, green is correct, red, wrong. 

What synonym best matches "upset" in the passage?

  • a) Angry
  • b) Distressed
  • c) Annoyed
  • d) Frustrated

Which word is a synonym for "total" in the passage?

  • a) Complete
  • b) Entire
  • c) Absolute
  • d) Full

Which word is a synonym for "hope" in the passage?

  • a) Belief
  • b) Wish
  • c) Desire
  • d) Expectation

What synonym best matches "troubled" in the passage?

  • a) Concerned
  • b) Disturbed
  • c) Anxious
  • d) Worried

Which word is a synonym for "faith" in the passage?

  • a) Trust
  • b) Conviction
  • c) Belief
  • d) Confidence

What synonym best matches "goodwill" in the passage?

  • a) Benevolence
  • b) Kindness
  • c) Compassion
  • d) Generosity

Which word is a synonym for "resolution" in the passage?

  • b) Decision
  • c) Commitment
  • d) Resolve
  • a) Determination

What synonym best matches "obliged" in the passage?

  • a) Forced
  • b) Compelled
  • c) Required
  • d) Bound

Which word is a synonym for "gather" in the passage?

  • a) Collect
  • b) Accumulate
  • c) Amass
  • d) Compile

What synonym best matches "charity" in the passage?

  • a) Benevolence
  • b) Philanthropy
  • c) Generosity
  • d) Altruism

What antonym best matches "upset" in the passage?

  • a) Calm
  • b) Serene
  • c) Content
  • d) Relaxed

Which word is an antonym for "total" in the passage?

  • a) Partial
  • b) Incomplete
  • c) Fractional
  • d) Limited

What antonym best matches "troubled" in the passage?

  • a) Calm
  • b) Peaceful
  • c) Unperturbed
  • d) Tranquil

Which word is an antonym for "faith" in the passage?

  • a) Doubt
  • b) Skepticism
  • c) Disbelief
  • d) Uncertainty

What antonym best matches "goodwill" in the passage?

  • a) Animosity
  • b) Hostility
  • c) Antagonism
  • d) Enmity

Which word is an antonym for "resolution" in the passage?

  • a) Indecision
  • b) Hesitation
  • c) Uncertainty
  • d) Wavering

What antonym best matches "obliged" in the passage?

  • a) Voluntary
  • b) Willing
  • c) Optional
  • d) Disinclined

Which word is an antonym for "gather" in the passage?

  • a) Scatter
  • b) Disperse
  • c) Distribute
  • d) Separate

What antonym best matches "charity" in the passage?

  • a) Selfishness
  • b) Greed
  • c) Stinginess
  • d) Avarice

Which word is an antonym for "laughing" in the passage?

  • a) Crying
  • b) Sobbing
  • c) Weeping
  • d) Mourning


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