Build Your Vocabulary Day 2


Imagine unlocking a treasure chest filled with new worlds and ideas! Each word you learn is a key, opening doors to richer conversations, deeper understanding in your studies, and a sharper mind. Building your vocabulary is an investment in yourself, empowering you to express yourself clearly and connect with the world on a whole new level. So, dive in, explore the power of words, and watch your confidence and knowledge soar!

On click Green is Correct Synonym, Red, Wrong one. So practice till you get 100℅ accuracy. Knrenglish.  

Day: 2

1. Acquire means.

  • a) Lose
  • b) Obtain
  • c) Ignore
  • d) Remove

2. The Synonym of Adequate?

  • a) Insufficient
  • b) Lacking
  • c) Sufficient
  • d) Abundant

3. What is the synonym of ambiguous?

  • a) Clear
  • b) Definitive
  • c) Vague
  • d) Certain

4. The synonym of analyse

  • a) Ignore
  • b) Examine
  • c) Forget
  • d) Assemble

5. Choose the correct synonym for Authentic?

  • a) Fake
  • b) Counterfeit
  • c) Genuine
  • d) Imitation

6. Bias. What's the synonym?

  • a) Impartiality
  • b) Neutrality
  • c) Prejudice
  • d) Fairness

7. What is the synonym for Coherent?

  • a) Disjointed
  • b) Logical
  • c) Inconsistent
  • d) Confusing

8. The synonym has to be chosen for the following word. Comprehend

  • a) Misunderstand
  • b) Grasp
  • c) Overlook
  • d) Miss

9. What's the synonym for convey?

  • a) Mislead
  • b) Withhold
  • c) Communicate
  • d) Hide

10. Critique, the correct synonym has to be chosen from the following options.

  • a) Praise
  • b) Neglect
  • c) Ignore
  • d) Evaluate


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