A Letter to God Vocabulary 1


Hi friends! 

Please Read the first part of the story and then write the vocabulary test. Practice for perfection. That's for your understanding. Remember, Read the related content available in the books, websites etc. You can grab the writing style of the writer only if you read the text for 20 times.  God Bless You.  Knr. 

What is a synonym for "crest" as used in the text?

  • A) Top
  • B) Bottom
  • C) Side
  • D) Middle

What synonym is used for "predict" in the text?

  • A) Determine
  • B) Forecast
  • C) Guess
  • D) Change

Which word is a synonym for "satisfied" as used in the text?

  • A) Happy
  • B) Dissatisfied
  • C) Content
  • D) Angry

What is a synonym for "destroyed" in the text?

  • A) Built
  • B) Improved
  • C) Ruined
  • D) Saved

Which word is a synonym for "sadness" as used in the text?

  • A) Joy
  • B) Happiness
  • C) Sorrow
  • D) Excitement

What synonym is used for "plague" in the text?

  • A) Blessing
  • B) Curse
  • C) Boon
  • D) Advantage

Which word is a synonym for "sorrowful" as used in the text?

  • A) Joyful
  • B) Relieved
  • C) Happy
  • D) Grief-stricken

What is a synonym for "exclaim" in the text?

  • A) Whisper
  • B) Shout
  • C) Mumble
  • D) Speak

Which word is a synonym for "expressing" as used in the text?

  • A) Hiding
  • B) Showing
  • C) Concealing
  • D) Suppressing

What synonym is used for "uncertain" in the text?

  • A) Sure
  • B) Confident
  • C) Doubtful
  • D) Reliable

What is an antonym for "satisfied" as used in the text?

  • A) Pleased
  • B) Content
  • C) Dissatisfied
  • D) Happy

Which word is an antonym for "destroyed" in the text?

  • A) Improved
  • B) Ruined
  • C) Damaged
  • D) Saved

What antonym is used for "joyful" in the text?

  • A) Sad
  • B) Happy
  • C) Delighted
  • D) Content

Which word is an antonym for "relieved" as used in the text?

  • A) Worried
  • B) Calm
  • C) Anxious
  • D) Unconcerned

What antonym is used for "happy" in the text?

  • A) Joyful
  • B) Satisfied
  • C) Sad
  • D) Delighted

Which word is an antonym for "hope" as used in the text?

  • A) Faith
  • B) Despair
  • C) Optimism
  • D) Confidence

What antonym is used for "grief-stricken" in the text?

  • A) Joyful
  • B) Happy
  • C) Content
  • D) Relieved

Which word is an antonym for "shout" in the text?

  • A) Whisper
  • B) Speak
  • C) Mumble
  • D) Scream

What antonym is used for "doubtful" in the text?

  • A) Certain
  • B) Confident
  • C) Sure
  • D) Reliable

Which word is an antonym for "uncertain" in the text?

  • A) Confident
  • B) Doubtful
  • C) Reliable
  • D) Sure


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