Spelling 2


1. **Question:** Which word is spelled correctly?

  • A) Cureous
  • B) Currious
  • C) Curous
  • D) Curious

2. **Question:** Choose the correct spelling.

  • A) Explorre
  • B) Exploor
  • C) Expolre
  • D) Explore

3. **Question:** Identify the correctly spelled word.

  • A) Healthey
  • B) Helthy
  • C) Healty
  • D) Healthy

4. **Question:** Select the accurate spelling.

  • A) Studant
  • B) Studen
  • C) Stuedent
  • D) Student

5. **Question:** Which word is spelled right?

  • A) Gramar
  • B) Grammer
  • C) Grammar
  • D) Gramer

6. **Question:** Choose the correct spelling.

  • A) Consert
  • B) Concert
  • C) Concerte
  • D) Concirt

7. **Question:** Identify the correctly spelled word.

  • A) Channal
  • B) Channell
  • C) Channel
  • D) Channul

8. **Question:** Select the accurate spelling.

  • A) Example
  • B) Exampl
  • C) Examble
  • D) Exampel

9. **Question:** Which word is spelled correctly?

  • A) Factery
  • B) Factory
  • C) Factori
  • D) Factorey

10. **Question:** Choose the correct spelling.

  • A) Histery
  • B) History
  • C) Histry
  • D) Historey

11. **Question:** Identify the correctly spelled word.

  • A) Nothin
  • B) Nuthing
  • C) Nothang
  • D) Nothing

12. **Question:** Select the accurate spelling.

  • A) Popular
  • B) Populer
  • C) Popullar
  • D) Populaer

13. **Question:** Which word is spelled right?

  • A) Respekt
  • B) Respet
  • C) Respeckt
  • D) Respect

14. **Question:** Choose the correct spelling.

  • A) Picture
  • B) Picter
  • C) Pictor
  • D) Pictur

15. **Question:** Identify the correctly spelled word.

  • A) Balence
  • B) Balance
  • C) Ballance
  • D) Balaance

16. **Question:** Select the accurate spelling.

  • A) Jurney
  • B) Jorney
  • C) Journey
  • D) Journee

17. **Question:** Which word is spelled correctly?

  • A) Exampl
  • B) Exampel
  • C) Example
  • D) Examble

18. **Question:** Choose the correct spelling.

  • A) Another
  • B) Anothor
  • C) Anothir
  • D) Anothur

19. **Question:** Identify the correctly spelled word.

  • A) Spesial
  • B) Speshal
  • C) Speciel
  • D) Special

20. **Question:** Select the accurate spelling.

  • A) Adress
  • B) Address
  • C) Addres
  • D) Addresse


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