A Letter to God Part: 2 Comprehension 2


A Letter to God Part: 2 Comprehension 2 


1) What was Lencho's main concern when he wrote the letter?

  • a) His health
  • b) His family's hunger
  • c) His financial losses
  • d) His farm's productivity

2) What did Lencho believe would help him in his time of need?

  • a) Government assistance
  • b) Neighbor's charity
  • c) Help from God
  • d) A loan from the bank

3) How did Lencho describe God's ability to see everything?

  • a) Through divine intervention
  • b) Through omniscience
  • c) Through human conscience
  • d) Through supernatural powers

4) What did Lencho do with the letter after writing it?

  • a) Burned it
  • b) Brought it to the post office
  • c) Buried it in the field
  • d) Gave it to a friend

5) Why did the postman show the letter to his boss?

  • a) Because it was unusual
  • b) Because it was addressed to God
  • c) Because it made him laugh
  • d) Because it needed special handling

6) How did the postmaster react initially to the letter?

  • a) He laughed
  • b) He cried
  • c) He got angry
  • d) He was indifferent

7) What did the postmaster decide to do with the letter?

  • a) Ignore it
  • b) Burn it
  • c) Answer it
  • d) Return it to the sender

8) How much money did the postmaster manage to gather for Lencho?

  • a) Exactly 100 pesos
  • b) More than 100 pesos
  • c) Less than 100 pesos
  • d) No money at all

9) What did the postmaster put in the envelope along with the money?

  • a) A letter from God
  • b) A note of encouragement
  • c) A letter from Lencho
  • d) A single word signature

10) How did Lencho feel about receiving the money?

  • a) Grateful
  • b) Disappointed
  • c) Angry
  • d) Indifferent

11) Verb Tenses: In the sentence "Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields," what tense is the verb "was"?

  • a) Present tense
  • b) Past tense
  • c) Future tense
  • d) Present continuous tense

12) In the sentence "Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God," what does the pronoun "his" refer to?

  • a) Lencho
  • b) God
  • c) The post office
  • d) Lencho's family

13) Prepositions: In the sentence "Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God," what is the preposition used to show the relationship between "help" and "God"?

  • a) At
  • b) Of
  • c) For
  • d) With

14) Conjunctions: In the sentence "He put the money in an envelope addressed to Lencho and with it a letter containing only a single word as a signature: God," what conjunction is used to connect the two clauses?

  • a) And
  • b) But
  • c) Or
  • d) So

15) Articles: In the sentence "It was nothing less than a letter to God," which article should be used before the noun "letter"?

  • a) A
  • b) An
  • c) The
  • d) No article needed

16) Adjectives: In the sentence "Lencho was an ox of a man," what type of adjective is "ox"?

  • a) Demonstrative
  • b) Descriptive
  • c) Possessive
  • d) Quantitative

17) Adverbs: In the sentence "Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God," what adverb describes how Lencho was thinking?

  • a) Quickly
  • b) Quietly
  • c) Only
  • d) Deeply

18) Sentence Structure: In the sentence "One of the employees, who was a postman and also helped at the post office, went to his boss laughing heartily," what type of clause is "who was a postman and also helped at the post office"?

  • a) Independent clause
  • b) Dependent clause
  • c) Relative clause
  • d) Adverbial clause


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