A Tale of Two Birds 1


A Tale of Two Birds 2

A Tale of Two Birds Comprehension. 

1. What happened to the mother bird?

  • A) She was killed in a storm
  • B) She found a new home
  • C) She flew away to another forest
  • D) She built a new nest

2. Where did one of the baby birds land after the storm?

  • A) Near a river
  • B) Outside a rishi's ashram
  • C) In a village
  • D) In a farmer's field

3. Where did the other baby bird land after the storm?

  • A) Near a cave where robbers lived
  • B) In the king's palace
  • C) Near a lake
  • D) In a garden

4. What did the king come to the forest to do?

  • A) Collect jewels
  • B) Hunt deer
  • C) Meet the robbers
  • D) Build a new palace

5. Why did the king lose his way in the forest?

  • A) He fell off his horse
  • B) He was following the deer
  • C) He got tired and rested under a tree
  • D) He was looking for the rishi's ashram

6. What did the bird near the cave advise the robbers to do?

  • A) Help the king
  • B) Leave the king alone
  • C) Take the king's jewels and horse
  • D) Invite the king for dinner

7. What did the king do when he heard the bird near the cave?

  • A) He climbed the tree
  • B) He ignored the bird
  • C) He ran away on foot
  • D) He rode away quickly

8. Where did the bird outside the rishi's ashram end up living?

  • A) In a tall tree
  • B) In the king's palace
  • C) In the rishi's ashram
  • D) Near the robbers' cave

9. What did the bird near the rishi's ashram learn to do?

  • A) Hunt for food
  • B) Chant prayers
  • C) Steal jewels
  • D) Fly long distances

10. What did the bird near the cave learn to do?

  • A) Cook food
  • B) Sing beautiful songs
  • C) Warn the robbers
  • D) Build nests

11. Why did the king ride away quickly from the robbers' cave?

  • A) He saw a deer
  • B) He heard noises from the cave
  • C) He wanted to find the rishi
  • D) He wanted to rest under another tree

12. The phrase "one is known by the company one keeps" means:

  • A) People influence each other's behavior and character.
  • B) Birds of a feather flock together.
  • C) The environment has no effect on a person's actions.
  • D) Wealth determines social status.

13. What lesson can be learned from the story?

  • A) Birds are smarter than humans
  • B) Always listen to the advice of robbers
  • C) Kindness and good deeds are rewarded
  • D) Kings should not go hunting

14. How did the baby birds survive after their mother died?

  • A) They found a new mother bird
  • B) They built a new nest together
  • C) They were blown to different places and grew up on their own
  • D) They starved to death

15. What was the outcome of the king's adventure in the forest?

  • A) He lost all his jewels
  • B) He became friends with the robbers
  • C) He found his way out and returned to his palace
  • D) He decided to live in the forest forever


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