Build Your Vocabulary Day 55


Build Your Vocabulary Day 55 

1) Her _**incorrigible**_ habit was hard to break.

  • A) temporary
  • B) minor
  • C) occasional
  • D) habitual

2) The _**indolent**_ student never did his homework.

  • A) diligent
  • B) hardworking
  • C) lazy
  • D) industrious

3) The _**insipid**_ food lacked flavor.

  • A) tasty
  • B) bland
  • C) flavorful
  • D) spicy

4) His _**intrepid**_ nature made him a great explorer.

  • A) fearless
  • B) cowardly
  • C) timid
  • D) afraid

5) The _**inundate**_ the area, the dam was opened.

  • A) flood
  • B) dry
  • C) drain
  • D) empty

6) Her _**inveterate**_ lying caused trust issues.

  • A) occasional
  • B) rare
  • C) habitual
  • D) infrequent

7) His _**irascible**_ temper was well known.

  • A) calm
  • B) peaceful
  • C) tranquil
  • D) irritable

8) The _**jejune**_ lecture put everyone to sleep.

  • A) dull
  • B) interesting
  • C) fascinating
  • D) exciting

9) Her _**laconic**_ replies frustrated him.

  • A) verbose
  • B) terse
  • C) long-winded
  • D) wordy

10) The _**languid**_ pace of the day was relaxing.

  • A) fast
  • B) quick
  • C) slow
  • D) rapid


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