Build Your Vocabulary Day 62


BYV 62

1) The _**pithy**_ comment conveyed much in few words.

  • A) verbose
  • B) lengthy
  • C) concise
  • D) wordy

2) His _**placid**_ demeanor was calming.

  • A) calm
  • B) agitated
  • C) anxious
  • D) nervous

3) The _**precarious**_ position was dangerous.

  • A) safe
  • B) secure
  • C) stable
  • D) unstable

4) Her _**precipitate**_ actions led to mistakes.

  • A) deliberate
  • B) hasty
  • C) careful
  • D) cautious

5) The _**prodigal**_ son returned home after spending all his money.

  • A) wasteful
  • B) frugal
  • C) economical
  • D) thrifty

6) His _**profligate**_ spending worried his parents.

  • A) frugal
  • B) thrifty
  • C) extravagant
  • D) economical

7) The _**prosaic**_ speech failed to inspire.

  • A) dull
  • B) exciting
  • C) poetic
  • D) imaginative

8) Her _**punctilious**_ attention to detail was appreciated.

  • A) careless
  • B) meticulous
  • C) sloppy
  • D) negligent

9) The _**quixotic**_ plan was impractical.

  • A) practical
  • B) feasible
  • C) sensible
  • D) unrealistic

10) His _**raucous**_ laughter echoed through the hall.

  • A) quiet
  • B) soft
  • C) loud
  • D) gentle


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