Build Your Vocabulary Day 65


BYV 65

1) The _**usurp**_ the throne, he staged a coup.

  • A) seize
  • B) release
  • C) surrender
  • D) give

2) Her _**vacillate**_ between choices annoyed him.

  • A) decide
  • B) choose
  • C) waver
  • D) resolve

3) The _**vapid**_ conversation bored everyone.

  • A) exciting
  • B) dull
  • C) interesting
  • D) lively

4) His _**venerate**_ the tradition showed his respect.

  • A) honor
  • B) disrespect
  • C) dishonor
  • D) scorn

5) Her _**veracity**_ was never in doubt.

  • A) falsehood
  • B) deceit
  • C) truthfulness
  • D) dishonesty

6) The _**verdant**_ landscape was lush and green.

  • A) barren
  • B) green
  • C) dry
  • D) withered

7) His _**vociferous**_ objections were noted.

  • A) loud
  • B) quiet
  • C) silent
  • D) calm

8) The _**voracious**_ reader devoured books.

  • A) indifferent
  • B) eager
  • C) uninterested
  • D) apathetic

9) The _**wanton**_ destruction shocked everyone.

  • A) careful
  • B) cautious
  • C) prudent
  • D) reckless

10) Her _**winsome**_ smile charmed everyone.

  • A) repulsive
  • B) unattractive
  • C) charming
  • D) unpleasant


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