Build Your Vocabulary Day 69


BYV 59

1) The _**mellifluous**_ melody was soothing.

  • A) harsh
  • B) sweet
  • C) jarring
  • D) grating

2) Her _**meticulous**_ work impressed her boss.

  • A) careless
  • B) sloppy
  • C) hasty
  • D) detailed

3) The _**munificent**_ gift was appreciated.

  • A) generous
  • B) stingy
  • C) selfish
  • D) mean

4) His _**nefarious**_ activities were exposed.

  • A) good
  • B) wicked
  • C) honest
  • D) virtuous

5) The _**obdurate**_ man refused to change his mind.

  • A) stubborn
  • B) flexible
  • C) yielding
  • D) compliant

6) Her _**ostentatious**_ display of wealth was unnecessary.

  • A) modest
  • B) simple
  • C) showy
  • D) plain

7) The _**paragon**_ of virtue inspired everyone.

  • A) vice
  • B) flaw
  • C) defect
  • D) model

8) His _**penchant**_ for reading was well known.

  • A) dislike
  • B) liking
  • C) aversion
  • D) hatred

9) The _**prodigal**_ son returned home after years.

  • A) wasteful
  • B) thrifty
  • C) frugal
  • D) economical

10) Her _**querulous**_ complaints annoyed everyone.

  • A) satisfied
  • B) whining
  • C) content
  • D) happy


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