If Clauses | Conditional Clauses 3


If Clauses | Conditional Clauses 3

1. **If I ___ (see) him, I will give him the message.**

  • a) saw
  • b) see
  • c) seeing
  • d) sees

2. **If she ___ (work) harder, she would have been promoted.**

  • a) worked
  • b) works
  • c) has worked
  • d) had worked

3. **If it ___ (not be) for his help, we would have failed.**

  • a) were not
  • b) is not
  • c) had not been
  • d) was not

4. **If you ___ (exercise) regularly, you will feel better.**

  • a) exercises
  • b) exercised
  • c) exercising
  • d) exercise

5. **If they ___ (not find) the solution, the project would be delayed.**

  • a) do not find
  • b) did not find
  • c) had not found
  • d) will not find

6. **If I ___ (know) about the meeting, I would have attended.**

  • a) knew
  • b) know
  • c) had known
  • d) have known

7. **If she ___ (be) more careful, she would not have made that mistake.**

  • a) is
  • b) was
  • c) had been
  • d) were

8. **If you ___ (not eat) breakfast, you will be hungry by noon.**

  • a) do not eat
  • b) did not eat
  • c) had not eaten
  • d) not eat

9. **If he ___ (take) the job offer, he would be happier now.**

  • a) took
  • b) had taken
  • c) takes
  • d) taken

10. **If it ___ (rain) now, we will cancel the outdoor event.**

  • a) rained
  • b) rains
  • c) raining
  • d) rain

11. **If you ___ (invite) her, she would come to the party.**

  • a) invite
  • b) invited
  • c) inviting
  • d) invites

12. **If I ___ (have) a car, I would drive to work.**

  • a) had
  • b) have
  • c) having
  • d) has

13. **If you ___ (study) more, you would pass the exam.**

  • a) study
  • b) studied
  • c) studying
  • d) studies

14. **If he ___ (call) me, I will answer.**

  • a) called
  • b) calls
  • c) calling
  • d) call

15. **If we ___ (not leave) soon, we will miss the train.**

  • a) do not leave
  • b) did not leave
  • c) had not left
  • d) not leave


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