If | Conditional Clauses 4


If 4

1. **If she ___ (work) harder, she would have been promoted.**

  • a) worked
  • b) works
  • c) has worked
  • d) had worked

2. **If it ___ (rain) tomorrow, we will go to the cinema instead.**

  • a) rained
  • b) rains
  • c) raining
  • d) rain

3. **If I ___ (know) his number, I would call him.**

  • a) knew
  • b) know
  • c) knowing
  • d) knows

4. **If they ___ (arrive) earlier, they would have seen the show.**

  • a) arrived
  • b) arrive
  • c) arriving
  • d) had arrived

5. **If you ___ (help) me, we could finish this project faster.**

  • a) helps
  • b) help
  • c) helped
  • d) helping

6. **If I ___ (be) you, I would apologize to her.**

  • a) am
  • b) was
  • c) were
  • d) be

7. **If he ___ (not forget) his homework, he wouldn’t have gotten in trouble.**

  • a) did not forget
  • b) had not forgotten
  • c) does not forget
  • d) has not forgotten

8. **If the sun ___ (rise) in the west, it would be a miracle.**

  • a) rises
  • b) rose
  • c) rising
  • d) rise

9. **If we ___ (see) each other next week, let's go for coffee.**

  • a) see
  • b) saw
  • c) seeing
  • d) seen

10. **If you ___ (tell) me earlier, I would have been able to help.**

  • a) tell
  • b) told
  • c) telling
  • d) had told

11. **If the traffic ___ (be) bad, we will be late.**

  • a) is
  • b) was
  • c) were
  • d) being

12. **If you ___ (heat) water to 100 degrees, it boils.**

  • a) heats
  • b) heating
  • c) heat
  • d) heated

13. **If I ___ (not see) it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.**

  • a) did not see
  • b) had not seen
  • c) do not see
  • d) has not seen

14. **If she ___ (have) more time, she would travel more.**

  • a) had
  • b) has
  • c) having
  • d) have

15. **If you ___ (read) more, you will improve your vocabulary.**.

  • a) reads
  • b) read
  • c) reading
  • d) have read


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