Build Your Vocabulary Day 73


BYV 73

1) The professor's explanation of quantum physics was quite complex.

  • a) simple
  • b) intricate
  • c) superficial
  • d) clear

2) he detective's intuition led him to the culprit.

  • a) ignorance
  • b) knowledge
  • c) instinct
  • d) doubt

3) The politician's speech was filled with platitudes.

  • a) original ideas
  • b) commonplaces
  • c) facts
  • d) humor

4) The hiker was exhausted after climbing the mountain.

  • a) refreshed
  • b) energetic
  • c) tired
  • d) joyful

5) The child was fascinated by the magic trick.

  • a) bored
  • b) intrigued
  • c) angry
  • d) sad

6) The doctor prescribed a potent medication for the patient.

  • a) weak
  • b) strong
  • c) mild
  • d) harmless

7) The writer's style was lucid and easy to understand.

  • a) unclear
  • b) complex
  • c) clear
  • d) difficult

8) The company's profits were substantial.

  • a) small
  • b) large
  • c) negative
  • d) insignificant

9) The old man was frail and needed assistance.

  • a) strong
  • b) healthy
  • c) weak
  • d) robust

10) The politician's speech was eloquent and persuasive.

  • a) dull
  • b) forceful
  • c) hesitant
  • d) unclear


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