Iswaran the Story Teller Comprehension

Iswaran the Story Teller

1) Who is Iswaran in the story?

  • A. A supervisor at a construction firm
  • B. Mahendra's cook and storyteller
  • C. A ghost haunting the factory
  • D. A famous writer

2) What is Mahendra's profession in the story?

  • A. Cook
  • B. Supervisor
  • C. Doctor
  • D. Teacher

3) Iswaran often tells stories inspired by:

  • A. Science fiction novels
  • B. Popular Tamil thrillers
  • C. Historical events
  • D. Religious scriptures

4) How does Iswaran contribute to Mahendra's daily life?

  • A. By teaching him karate
  • B. By cooking and storytelling
  • C. By doing his office work
  • D. By driving him to work

5) What special dish did Iswaran prepare for Mahendra on an auspicious day?

  • A. Biryani
  • B. Pulao
  • C. Idli and Dosa
  • D. Not Mentioned

6) Why did Mahendra decide to leave the factory area?

  • A. He got a better job offer
  • B. Iswaran scared him with ghost stories
  • C. The factory closed down
  • D. He wanted to start his own business

7) Iswaran claimed to see a ghost resembling:

  • A. A man with a lantern
  • B. A child playing with a ball
  • C. A woman holding a foetus
  • D. A soldier in uniform

8) How did Mahendra react when Iswaran talked about ghosts?

  • A. He believed every word Iswaran said
  • B. He dismissed it as nonsense
  • C. He got scared and ran away
  • D. He called the police

9) Why did Mahendra look out of his window at night?

  • A. To watch the moonlight
  • B. To see if Iswaran was cooking
  • C. To check for ghosts
  • D. To count the stars

10) What did Mahendra see outside his window one night?

  • A. A cat chasing a mouse
  • B. A dark cloudy form with a bundle
  • C. Iswaran cooking dinner
  • D. A group of children playing

11) What made Mahendra decide to leave the haunted place?

  • A. Iswaran's cooking skills
  • B. Iswaran's ghost story coming true
  • C. A job promotion
  • D. A new house offer

12) What did Iswaran compare his fighting technique to?

  • A. Boxing
  • B. Karate or ju-jitsu
  • C. Wrestling
  • D. Kung Fu

13) Why did Iswaran leave his story about the mad elephant unfinished?

  • A. He forgot the ending
  • B. Mahendra interrupted him
  • C. He had to cook dinner
  • D. He fell asleep

14) What did Iswaran often read in his spare time?

  • A. Mystery novels
  • B. Science magazines
  • C. Cooking recipes
  • D. Tamil thrillers

15) How did Iswaran help Mahendra feel at ease in the remote locations?

  • A. By teaching him karate
  • B. By telling him stories
  • C. By cleaning his office
  • D. By driving him around

16) Why did Iswaran enjoy reading Tamil thrillers?

  • A. He liked historical content
  • B. The stories had imaginative descriptions and suspense
  • C. They were short and easy to read
  • D. His friends recommended them

17) What was the main reason Mahendra enjoyed Iswaran's stories?

  • A. They were always true
  • B. They were full of adventure, horror, and suspense
  • C. They were funny
  • D. They helped him sleep

18) How did Mahendra respond to Iswaran's elephant story?

  • A. He laughed it off
  • B. He listened with rapt attention
  • C. He criticized it
  • D. He ignored it

19) What did Iswaran claim to use to subdue the mad elephant?

  • A. A tranquilizer gun
  • B. A special stick
  • C. Karate or ju-jitsu techniques
  • D. A rope

20) How did Mahendra's feelings towards Iswaran's ghost stories change over time?

  • A. He became more amused by them
  • B. He became more curious
  • C. He started to feel uneasy and scared
  • D. He stopped listening to them

21) How did Iswaran's stories affect Mahendra's nightly routine?

  • A. He started staying up late to hear more stories
  • B. He began to avoid looking out the window at night
  • C. He ignored Iswaran and went to bed early
  • D. He started sleeping with the lights on

22) What did Mahendra conclude about the "dark cloudy form" he saw outside his window?

  • A. It was definitely a ghost
  • B. It was a trick of his imagination
  • C. It was a thief
  • D. It was Iswaran playing a prank

23) How did Iswaran describe the burial ground where the factory was located?

  • A. As a beautiful, peaceful place
  • B. As a place with a lot of flowers
  • C. As a haunted, eerie place
  • D. As a playground for children

24) What was Iswaran's attitude towards the ghosts he claimed to see?

  • A. He was terrified of them
  • B. He was indifferent and brave
  • C. He believed they were friendly
  • D. He was curious and wanted to study them

25) What did Mahendra do after experiencing the "dark cloudy form" incident?

  • A. He dismissed it as a bad dream
  • B. He immediately called for help
  • C. He decided to leave the place
  • D. He told Iswaran to leave

26) How did Mahendra typically start his day?

  • A. By going for a morning walk
  • B. By listening to Iswaran's stories
  • C. By eating breakfast and leaving for work
  • D. By meditating

27) Why was Mahendra surprised by Iswaran the morning after the "dark cloudy form" incident?

  • A. Iswaran was unusually quiet
  • B. Iswaran was cheerful and talkative as usual
  • C. Iswaran had left without informing him
  • D. Iswaran was angry and sulking

28) What did Iswaran do when he heard the moaning sound from Mahendra's room?

  • A. He ignored it
  • B. He ran to Mahendra's room
  • C. He called the police
  • D. He locked his door

29) What was Mahendra's final decision regarding the haunted place?

  • A. To stay and investigate further
  • B. To leave immediately
  • C. To call in ghost hunters
  • D. To ask Iswaran to stop telling stories

30) How did Iswaran react when Mahendra dismissed the idea of ghosts?

  • A. He argued with Mahendra
  • B. He was offended
  • C. He remained calm and continued his chores
  • D. He stopped talking to Mahendra

31) What aspect of Iswaran's personality makes his stories so captivating?

  • A. His deep voice
  • B. His dramatic gestures and expressions
  • C. His ability to lie convincingly
  • D. His knowledge of various subjects


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