
Showing posts from September, 2024

Chivvy Scrambled Sentences

  adult children. commands The to describes poem Previous Next Clear


  Read the poem and answer.  1. What is the main theme of the poem “Chivvy" by Michael Rosen? A) Childhood memories B) Adult authority over children C) Learning manners D) Playful interactions Correct Answer: B) Adult authority over children 2. How does the poet portray the commands given by grown-ups? A) Strict and intimidating B) Playful and humorous C) Confusing and contradictory D) Irrelevant and unnecessary Correct Answer: B) Playful and humorous

A Truely Beautiful Mind

  Read or listen to the lesson'A Truly Beautiful Mind' and write the Test.  1) What year was Albert Einstein born? A) 1879 B) 1889 C) 1899 D) 1909 Correct Answer: A) 1879 2) Where was Albert Einstein born? A) Zurich B) Berlin C) Munich D) Ulm Correct Answer: D) Ulm 3) At what age did Einstein begin to speak? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D)

The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Comprehension 1

  Jumbled Sentences on this Lesson For Drag and Drop Exercise ☝☝☝ Read the lesson 'The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom' and practice the following test.   Comprehension 1 1. What was Muko? A) A cat B) A dog C) A bird D) A rabbit Correct Answer: B) A dog 2. How did the old couple treat Muko? A) They scolded it often. B) They fed it well and treated it kindly. C) They kept it tied up all the time. D) They ignored its presence. Correct Answer: B) They fed it well and treated it kindly.

A 10th Grade Challenge in Editing 11

  Previous Links Editing: 1 Editing: 2 Editing: 3 Editing: 4 Editing: 5   Editing 6   Editing 7. Editing 8 Editing 9 Editing 10 Here’s another advanced passage for editing practice,  Passage with Errors: As global temperatures continues to rise, the impact of climate change become more apparent. Scientists have been warning about the potential consequences for decades, but only recently has the urgency of the situation been fully recognize by governments and industries around the world. The effects of climate change are not limited to one region; they is felt globally, affecting everything from agriculture to wildlife habitats. Rising sea levels, in particular, poses a significant threat to coastal cities, many of whom are ill-prepared for the challenges ahead. In response, some countries has implemented stricter environmental regulations, while others is still hesitant to take the necessary actions. Errors and Corrections: show answer As global temperatures contin

The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom

  The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom Comprehension 1 The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom.  These are 30 very simple sentences picked/created from the lesson 'The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom'. Drag words into the box in the correct order. This is for all ABCD grades. If you practice this exercise, you will be able to write any discourse of your own.  Ask your teachers meanings for the difficult words. Good luck with your challenge.  Knr.  couple had old The Muko. Previous Next Clear

10th Grade Challenge in Editing 10

  Previous Links Editing: 1 Editing: 2 Editing: 3 Editing: 4 Editing: 5   Editing 6   Editing 7. Editing 8 Editing 9 Editing 10 Passage with Errors: The concept of time management has gained significant attentions in recent years, as individuals struggle to balance the demands of work, family, and personal pursuits. While many believe that the key to success lies in maximizing productivity, others argues that it is equally important to allow oneself time for relaxation and reflection. In fact, research suggest that taking regular breaks can enhance creativity and boost overall performance. However, despite of a widespread availability of time management tools and techniques, most people continues to feel overwhelmed by their schedules. It seems that the more options we has for organizing our time, the harder it becomes to truly manage it effectively. Errors and Corrections: show answer The concept of time management has gained significant attention  in recent years, as i

From the Diary of Anni Frank 1

  From the Diary of Anni Frank 1 Read the first part and practice.  1) What prompted Anne Frank to start writing a diary? A) Loneliness and the lack of a true friend B) Boredom and a need to pass time C) Encouragement from her family D) A school assignment Correct Answer: A) Loneliness and the lack of a true friend 2) According to Anne Frank, why does she feel writing in a diary is a strange experience? A) She dislikes writing and prefers speaking. B) She doubts anyone will be interested in her thoughts. C) She fears her diary will be read by strangers. D) She find

A 10th Grade Challenge on Editing 9

  Previous Links Editing: 1 Editing: 2 Editing: 3 Editing: 4 Editing: 5   Editing 6 Here’s another challenging passage for editing practice, it requires attention to subject-verb agreement, article usage, singular/plural forms, and subtle changes in word forms, providing a higher level of difficulty for editing. Passage with Errors: In today’s rapidly changing world, the importance of lifelong learning cannot be overstated. With industries evolving at a unprecedented pace, employees are often expected to continually update their skills in order to remain competitive. While formal education provide a strong foundation, it is the ability to adapt and acquire new knowledge throughout one’s career that truly defines success in the modern workplace. Unfortunately, many people still believes that learning stops once they have obtained their degrees, failing to recognize that personal and professional growth is a ongoing process. Employers, on the other hand, have begun to value candidate

Rain on the Roof 9th English Poem

Rain on the Roof Practice the MCQS after Reading the Poem and Summary.  Rain on the Roof" by Coates Kinney beautifully captures the serene atmosphere of listening to rain. The poet describes the experience of lying in bed during a rainy night, where each raindrop on the roof creates a symphony that stirs up memories and dreams. It evokes a sense of nostalgia, with thoughts of loved ones and past moments surfacing in the tranquility of the rain's patter. The poem reflects on how such a simple natural occurrence can inspire  deep reflection and emotional connections.  1) What covers the starry spheres in the poem? a) Mist b) Humid shadows c) Clouds d) Fog Correct Answer: b) Humid shadows