A 10th Grade Challenge on Editing 5


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Editing: 5.

Here’s a passage about Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations for editing practice, with errors and corrections provided. This passage focuses on common errors such as subject-verb agreement, plural forms, and verb tense. It provides good practice in editing for clarity and grammatical accuracy.

Original Passage with Errors:

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrate all over India, but it is especially popular in Maharashtra. The festival marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, who is worshipped as the god of wisdom and prosperity. People brings home clay idols of Lord Ganesha and perform rituals for ten days. During this time, there are many cultural event like music and dance performances. On the final day, the idols is taken in processions and immersed in water bodies, symbolizing the departure of Ganesha to his heavenly abode. Many peoples believes that worshipping Ganesha during this festival removes obstacles from their life.

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated all over India, but it is especially popular in Maharashtra. The festival marks the birth of Lord Ganesha, who is worshipped as the god of wisdom and prosperity. People bring home clay idols of Lord Ganesha and perform rituals for ten days. During this time, there are many cultural events like music and dance performances. On the final day, the idols are taken in processions and immersed in water bodies, symbolizing the departure of Ganesha to his heavenly abode. Many people believe that worshipping Ganesha during this festival removes obstacles from their lives.


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