Editing 3


  • Editing: 1
  • Editing: 2
  • Editing: 3
  • Editing: 4
  • Editing: 5

  • Editing 3

    The following passage emphasizes common errors related to subject-verb agreement, plural forms, spelling, and consistency in sentence structure.

    Read the passage carefully and correct the incorrect words. 

    Original Passage with Errors:

    Many people believes that success come overnight, but in reality, it takes years of hard work and dedication. Successful individuals has faced numerous failures before they achieved their goals. Patience and perseverence are key qualities that help peoples overcome obstacles. Some peoples think that talent is enough, but hard work is equally important. In today’s world, competition is tough, and only those who keeps improving can stay ahead. Setting realistic goals and working towards them step-by-step are a good strategy for long-term achievement.

    qKey 👇👇👇

    Many people /believe/ that success /comes/ overnight, but in reality, it takes years of hard work and dedication. Successful individuals /have/ faced numerous failures before they achieved their goals. Patience and /perseverance/ are key qualities that help /people/ overcome obstacles. Some /people/ think that talent is enough, but hard work is equally important. In today’s world, competition is tough, and only those who /keep/ improving can stay ahead. Setting realistic goals and working towards them step-by-step /is/ a good strategy for long-term achievement


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