A 10th Grade Challenge in Editing 11


Here’s another advanced passage for editing practice, 

Passage with Errors:

As global temperatures continues to rise, the impact of climate change become more apparent. Scientists have been warning about the potential consequences for decades, but only recently has the urgency of the situation been fully recognize by governments and industries around the world. The effects of climate change are not limited to one region; they is felt globally, affecting everything from agriculture to wildlife habitats. Rising sea levels, in particular, poses a significant threat to coastal cities, many of whom are ill-prepared for the challenges ahead. In response, some countries has implemented stricter environmental regulations, while others is still hesitant to take the necessary actions.

Errors and Corrections:

As global temperatures continue to rise, the impact of climate change becomes more apparent. Scientists have been warning about the potential consequences for decades, but only recently has the urgency of the situation been fully recognized by governments and industries around the world. The effects of climate change are not limited to one region; they are felt globally, affecting everything from agriculture to wildlife habitats. Rising sea levels, in particular, pose a significant threat to coastal cities, many of which are ill-prepared for the challenges ahead. In response, some countries have implemented stricter environmental regulations, while others are still hesitant to take the necessary actions


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