Articles A, An, The Drag And Drop Exercise


 Definite Article ‘The’ (Used for specific or known things)  

  • 1. The sun rises in the east.  
  • 2. The moon was shining brightly.  
  • 3. She went to the market to buy vegetables.  
  • 4. I live near the airport.  
  • 5. He is the best player in the team.  
  • 6. We visited the Eiffel Tower in Paris.  
  • 7. My father is in the kitchen.  
  • 8. The principal gave a speech to the students.  
  • 9. They went to the cinema last night.  
  • 10. He returned from the United States last week.  

2. Indefinite Articles "A" and "An"** (Used for nonspecific things)  

  • 11. She bought a dress for the party.  
  • 12. I saw a bird on the tree.  
  • 13. He is a doctor.  
  • 14. We need a plan for the weekend.  
  • 15. She is reading a novel.  
  • 16. There is an old man sitting on the bench.  
  • 17. He ate an apple for breakfast.  
  • 18. She gave me a useful idea.  
  • 19. They saw an eagle flying in the sky.  
  • 20. I need an hour to finish this work.  

3. Omission of Articles** (No article is used in certain cases)  

  • 21. She goes to school every day. (No article before "school" when referring to the general institution) 
  • 22. We had lunch at home. (No article before "lunch")  
  • 23. He plays football on Sundays. (No article before the names of sports) 
  • 24. She speaks French fluently. (No article before languages)
  • 25. Mount Everest is the highest mountain. (No article before names of mountains) 
  • 26. I love listening to classical music. (No article before uncountable nouns like "music")  
  • 27. He was elected president. (No article before titles when used after "elected") 
  • 28. We visited India last summer. (No article before country names, unless they include "The") 
  • 29. She is studying mathematics. (No article before academic subjects) 
  • 30. He traveled by train. (No article before modes of transport when preceded by "by") 

4. Articles with Proper Nouns

  • 31. We visited the Taj Mahal last year. (Some famous monuments use "the")  
  • 32. He is a Shakespeare of our time. (Using an article for comparison / metaphor)
  • 33. They went on a cruise in the Pacific Ocean. (Oceans, seas, rivers take "the")
  • 34. She visited the Netherlands last summer. (Some countries have "the")
  • 35. The Queen of England lives in the Buckingham Palace. (Palaces and official buildings use "the")  

5. Articles with Superlatives and Unique Things

  • 36. He is the tallest boy in the class. (Superlatives always take "the")  
  • 37. This is the most interesting book I have read.  
  • 38. She is the only one who knows the truth. (Words like "only," "first," "last" use "the") 
  • 39. The sun is shining brightly today. (Unique things like "sun," "earth, "moon" use "the") 
  • 40. I met the first woman astronaut in India. (Ordinal numbers like "first," "second" take "the")  

6. Articles in Fixed Phrases

  • 41. I had a great time at the party. (Fixed phrase: "have a great time")  
  • 42. He went for a walk in the evening. (Fixed phrase: "go for a walk") 
  • 43. We are in a hurry. (Fixed phrase: "in a hurry")  
  • 44. They had a fight yesterday. (Fixed phrase: "have a fight")  
  • 45. She is in the mood for dancing. (Fixed phrase: "in the mood")

7. Articles with Plural and Uncountable Nouns

  • 46. Water is essential for life. (No article before uncountable nouns like "water") 
  • 47. We saw lions in the zoo. (Plural nouns take "the" when specific)
  • 48. Children love playing in the park. (Plural nouns don’t need an article when general)
  • 49. She gave me a piece of advice. (Uncountable nouns need a quantifier like "a piece of")  
  • 50. He had an idea to improve the project. ("Idea" is countable, so it needs an article)  

Articles Drag and Drop Exercise : 1. 👇👇



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