"Man vs Nature" by Norman Littleford:


"Man vs Nature" by Norman Littleford:

The poem explores the conflict between humanity and nature. It depicts nature's power through thunder and lightning, questioning whether these are signs of anger or natural occurrences. The poet suggests that nature communicates its distress over human interference and exploitation. Despite marveling at nature's beauty, humans exploit its resources without considering the consequences or giving back. The poem highlights the imbalance created by human progress at the expense of nature's well-being.

1. What is the central theme of the poem "Man vs Nature"?

  • A) Human progress and development
  • B) Conflict between humanity and nature
  • C) Nature's beauty and wonder
  • D) Human greed and selfishness

2. According to the poem, how does nature express its displeasure?

  • A) Through earthquakes and tsunamis
  • B) By sending thunder and lightning
  • C) Through peaceful protests
  • D) By changing seasons

3. What does the poet imply about human behavior towards nature?

  • A) Humans admire nature but rarely interact with it
  • B) Humans fear the power of nature
  • C) Humans worship nature as divine
  • D) Humans exploit nature's resources without giving back

4. How does the poet describe humanity's relationship with nature?

  • A) Mutually beneficial
  • B) Harmonious and peaceful
  • C) Indifferent and passive
  • D) Harmful and exploitative

5. What does the phrase "dig up all her treasures from their natural burial ground" suggest?

  • A) Humans respect nature's resources
  • B) Humans preserve nature's beauty
  • C) Humans extract natural resources recklessly
  • D) Humans bury their own treasures

6. According to the poem, what does nature provide humans with?

  • A) Endless entertainment
  • B) Knowledge and wisdom
  • C) Wealth and power
  • D) Food and shelter

7. What does the poet mean by "Mother Nature can't progress for man is in the way"?

  • A) Humans prevent nature from evolving
  • B) Humans block progress in technology
  • C) Nature is incapable of change
  • D) Humans disrupt natural ecosystems

8. Which emotion does the poet convey towards nature?

  • A) Fear
  • B) Awe
  • C) Indifference
  • D) Disdain

9. What is the poet's message regarding humanity's responsibility towards nature?

  • A) Humans should admire nature from a distance
  • B) Humans must protect and conserve nature
  • C) Humans should exploit nature for personal gain
  • D) Humans should dominate over nature

10. What does the poem suggest about the consequences of ignoring nature's warnings?

  • A) Nature will reward humans with abundance
  • B) Nature will punish humans with disasters
  • C) Nature will ignore human activities
  • D) Nature will seek vengeance on humans


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